Last weekend two of my BAC students and myself put together a power point presentation and open discussion at the local library about sustainable development internationally and locally. There were speakers from different associations, the BAC students spoke English very well, and I even had a few minutes to talk about Peace Corps, my job, and how the local communi
ty could help with sustainability within Skoura, itself. We had a wonderful turn out and what was even more impressive was that the whole presentation was in English. I was very proud of my BAC students. It was refreshing to be able to meet new people from associations I have never heard of in my site, and now I have more places to go and volunteer at!
Now I am heading to Spring camp in Missour! I am so excited to travel and meet new students and
hang out with some old PCV pals of mine that I have not seen in months! until next blog, Baslama.
<-- I am the one with the green hat:)