"No human, nor any living thing, survives long under the eternal sky. The most beautiful women, the most learned men, even Mohammed, who heard Allah's voice, all did wither and die. All is temporary. The sky outlives everything. Even suffering." - Bowa Johar, Balti poet.

22 April 2009

Almost Forgot!

they are already kicking some major butt in the playoffs.. just wait until they take back The Cup to its rightful place... The Joe. Everyday there is a wings game, i am wearing my red wings hat in support since i can not grow a beard and even if i tried to wear a fake one.. i do not think that Skoura would really understand it other than them saying "Poor American single female has gone crazy.. muskina (poor girl). She needs a husband."
GO WINGS! you have international support coming all the way from Morocco :) 

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